Tales of mischievious, mythical beings exist in nearly every culture, but this is the first I've heard of naughty woodland imps in my 6 years of living here. In Hawaii there is the industrious menehune, and while I can't ever claim having seen them, the story goes that the menehunes built a ditch and a fishpond on the island of Kauai. In Italy, stories of sarvanot in the Occitan valleys portray a creature bent on causing trouble, and while researching trails in Valle Varaita, I came upon info where they were implemented in a particular itinerary. A cultural group in the village of Rore had created an environment depicting these short, unbecoming and hairy creatures in their natural surroundings. See link (italian).
We were only able to see one of them. It felt a little bit weird taking the photo because I had to get up pretty close, but I felt as if someone unseen was watching me! Just an overactive imagination because the dogs didn't even turn to sniff. Awww mama! That's only a dummy!! This was the first outing where we were forced to turn back barely 15 minutes into the hike. Landslides and heavy snow melt had rendered parts of the path impassable where it crossed over a normally tranquil stream.

Good to see Mr.B having fun in spring :) how is maddie doing?
hmm - maybe the sarvanot do not want visitors right now...
Scintilla, Kat, RONW - he wouldn't be chosen as a lip-locking partner for a kissing contest, that's for sure! :-DDD
Ann - there are no mythical forest creatures in your culture? I'd like to find a book that lists all of them in the world! Maddie is doing great...will share a post of her later :o)
Michelle - I wonder if your grandmother was talking about the Buffardello (Lucca)? Or the Lauru (Puglia), Sbilf (Carnia), Mazzemarelle (Abruzzo), Mazzamareddu (Sicilia), Scazzamurrieddhru (Salento), or Squasc (eastern Lombardy)? I was amazed to learn all of the different names in various regions!
Iris, Deb, Laura - our menehunes take the prize for good looks is all I can say. The sarvanot are said to have goat hooves for feet!
if he's bummed or if
he's relieved!
.Kat - that shot was taken just after he had leapt across the stream from a shallow ledge on the opposite side. That was the only one we could cross; MrB will only tolerate baths.
Mona Geeta
Michele - the closest I could find is Monachicchio moh-nah-KEE-kyoh (Basilicata). Like the others, they're trouble-making imps but the Monachicchio of Maratea (Potenza province) are said to be a very bad spirit, often ending up being the equivalent to the Devil.
Too bad about your hike. I'm guessing there was some vino and nibbles that made up for the disappointment!