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Another year older and now I'm climbing rocks

Don't ask, I'm still recuperating from a wild weekend.


Old Jacques said…
It's not entirely clear whether the Wild Weekend was comprised of hanging off a cliff holding onto your wits' end by a thin (though strong and sturdy looking) chain, or whether a Wild Weekend drove you to swing off a cliff attempting to hold onto your wits' end by a thin (and of unsure linkage) chain to reality or some other sure safety net.

Maybe next time, a little more tale and a little less tail (as shown in the pic) please?

Not that the tail doesn't seem athletically capable of being supported by the chain/cliff/link, or as older as the title might hint to... but...
Fern Driscoll said…
Hey! Were you on the Monte di Portofino?? Good for you, brave lass.
Fern Driscoll said…
AND Happy Birthday, I presume...
2kamuela47 said…
Challenges are good for the soul! That's my new out look in life. Going through some rough times with the economy I guess at this point in time pay cut is better than losing my job.
Ann said…
Happy Birthday Rowena! May your Gemini skills grow wider than before.
Ahh .. you and me are not so apart when comes to B'days! :)
Tira said…
Happy Birthday ( I assume) and that looks like a great activity for fitness.
debi_in_Hawaii said…
Happy Birthday, we all assume!
And man, that looks like fun. Me gots to try that one of these days, before...before...well,
before I get any fatter. Heheeeee
Carla said…
Fun! Fun! And Happy B-Day.
Barbara said…
Happy Birthday to you, Rowena !

Wishing you all the best.
And have fun climbing !

( Is that one of those Via Ferratas that you are following up there ?? )
Rowena said…
Old Jacques - I'm getting around to how I found myself pussyfooting across a rockface, but first I need to quit gaping at the photos. This is the hike of the year.

Fern - now you know that this June baby is going to google Monte Portofino. I love swinging from chains at great heights (no poles for me).

Laura - I am sorry to hear about that pay cut but I like how you focused on the positive aspect of not losing your job altogether. Challenges are very good for the soul!

Ann - thank you! I'll be expecting to hear about yours soon?
Rowena said…
Nicole - thanks you and yes, it's the month for Geminis like me. Fit and fearless is more like it. I don't like heights!

Debi - a good thing we didn't bring along the dogs because there would be no way MrB would go for that monkey business. And watchu talking, fat?!

Carla - now I know what it must feel like to be one of those mountain billy goats. If you slip, there's no safety net to catch your fall.

Barbara - mahalo for the bday if I could only remember the new number. And yes that is a type of via ferrata. It was either grab on and move forward, or forfeit the hike and go home!
iris said…
Hau'oli la hanau!!! you climb those rocks girl! :)
joe@italyville said…
Happy Birthday Rowena!
Happy Birthday....Wow seems like a great adventure :-)

Your a Gemini .. Like me !! :-) :-)
Rowena said…
Iris - you know what it is, right? Growing up around mango and coconut trees. Papaya trees weren't high enough.

Joe, Anne - thank you both, and yes, I'm a Gemini. You're up next Anne ^-^
Now, tell me this doesn't sound just like you, Rowena! "Gemini women make an excellent hostess and will charm her guests with her best cuisine, that too in silver cutlery." Happy Birthday, Rowena!
May it be filled with joy, peace, and continued exercise! ;)
Rowena, You are awesome!!! Happy Birthday!
Gwyn said…
Eh, Hau'oli la Hanau, Rowena! You rock! *hehe* I admire your healthy and adventuresome outdoor activities.
Gil said…
Happy Birthday! It looks like you are having all kinds of fun in Italy. I don't think I could have done that when I was a kid. Hope is well with you, your family and the pooches.
Rowena said…
Petra - that is me, and after that we all play a game of charades! *lol*

Marie, Gwyn - thank you from the bottom of my aching feet. Still got that 'shwing', at least for a few more years.

Gil - the trail is adapted for people of all levels. The farther you go, the tougher it gets!
Lori said…
Hey Rowena,
Let's hear it for wild weekends! Happy Birthday!!
Rowena said…
Lori - I've been graduated to expert hiking level with this trail. As I had mentioned in a previous reply, if not for the mango and coconut trees back home I would never have been so fly!
RONW said…
were those new shoes?
casalba said…
Happy birthday. Happy birthday. (I'm certain it's something you say twice in Hawaii.)
Rowena said…
RONW - yeah, but they aren't the 150 euro Lowa's that I was coveting in the first place.

Casalba - actually...that would be more of a tongue twister. Try saying Hau'oli la Hanau real fast!
K and S said…
wow! you rock clima! happy birthday!

p.s. we saw "angel and demon" satoshi liked it, it was a nail biter for me :)
Rosa said…
You could've not made it to your birthday. I presume you were on a cliff and not centimetres from the floor.
Happy birthday to you!
Rowena said…
Kat - I figure I need all the practice "climbing" while I can get it. Mt. Fuji should be something to tackle and I am determined to earn a walking stick! Glad that you both liked the movie! Yeah, that was me in the crowd at Trevi Fountain (kidding).

Scintilla - that thought did cross my mind as I was gleefully scaling up the cliff like a monkey. The view looking down will be coming up in another post and you'll immediately realize that it could never be mistaken in centimeters!
Happy Birthday Rowena. I think taking on a via Ferrata when you are afraid of heights is an awesome feat. You should b so proud! Brava!

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