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Hiking in Val Vertova

We really couldn't have asked for more on this particular outing. The trail in Val Vertova is full of beautiful scenes like this, where you have the option of taking it easy all the way to the end or stopping in an idyllic spot to soak up the sun. I've never seen perfectly tanned boobs in full display until this hike, but with such an inviting environment, why the heck not?

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To get to the starting point: from Vertova, follow Via Cinque Martini until località Lacni. Instead of following the right bend in the road, take the left for about 300 meters until the parking lot (B). If it's full, space is available at the headquarters of Gruppo Alpinistico Vertovese (GAV) a hundred meters going back and across the stream (A), but only if the gates are open. It takes about an hour to reach the end of the trail. For a challenge, head up the n.527 that climbs the left just before reaching the end. It quickly leads back down to the river then continues into drier terrain up the mountain to the encampment of Bivacco Testa.


LindyLouMac said…
What a beautiful spot.That water looks so inviting in the first photo, but I bet the water was cold? Did you dip a toe in at all?
OkiHwn said…
Good to see more pixs of the troops, but not enogh! Have missed them.
K and S said…
fully tanned boobs, huh? interesting...looks like a beautiful hike!
Rowena said…
LindyLou - it was ice cold. We took off our boots and waded in...only ankle deep...but immediately came out because it was just too cold. Certainly explains why now one was swimming!

Nate - I guess this is a good time to let you know that da Mistah is not too crazy about the camera pointing at him. Wait til you see him with his bandaged ear...

Kat - it was like...sheesh! I was walking along the path, looking down the river embankment and baboom! These D cups stared back at me. Kinda freaked me out at first.
Ciao Chow Linda said…
Funny about the tanned boobs. It looks like an idyllic place for a hike.
OkiHwn said…
And whhere's the boobs?
Rowena said…
Linda - I guess you could say that topless sunbathing has claimed new territory along alpine hiking paths. I just hope they remember to use bug spray along with their sunscreen.

Nate - with the lax laws on topless sunbathing, you'd be having one stiff neck from looking not once, not twice but thrice!
Anonymous said…
This is our favorite beat the heat summer hide out! You are so right that water is ICE cold. Great place to put drinks in while you are eating lunch.
Rowena said…
scatteredmoments - we are really impressed by the amount of places to hike in all of Bergamo's mountain valleys and have been trying to get out there on Saturday, weather permitting. We did Val Vertova on August 28th. Not a chance that you guys can do a hike on Saturday instead?
Anonymous said…
I wish! Sunday is the only day we can go do to the Italians work schedule. Sigh.

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