By my clock he should be back in about 3 hours, and I hope that for what MotH doled out (130 euros), the "operation" will prove to be the right decision to lessen the aggression in our beloved little dachshund. I think he knew something was up this morning when I said 'no treats for you', and when he and the MotH were driving away, I could hear him crying in the back of the car. Maddie wasn't the least bit bothered by his absence and spent the better part of the morning hunting lizards.
Hope the operation goes well!
Take it from one olda braddah...
you no goin miss da pahts.
After one or two days you feel like yo ol' self. You go back to coffee table zoomies. Garanz.
One mo manini ting: no be lolo an' mess wit da zippa, k? Bumbye dey goin put da cone on yo hahd head lidat-oh da shame-
from Mista Shu
Carlae - honestly I thought he'd be acting weird when he got home. So untrue. I noticed though, that his gait is a little different from not having "the weights" anymore.
RONW - you are probably right on that one. If, by chance, he should ever make the cover on those supermarket tabloids, grab a copy and I'll have him personally autograph it for you!
Laura - several characters actually. I just wish I could catch all of his expressions but they come at moments when I'm not able to capture them. Maddie is so much easier with her constant expression of "Huh?" *lol*
Debi - auntie, mama already had to put "da cone" on my neck because I no listen when she says stop fussing with the zipper. She also said to stay outside and try to catch reception for the tv...over here we can hardly get anything worth watching!
~Mistah B~
Oh my, yes - many many mahalos to your son. . .we appreciate. Wow, he has the makings of a superhero with that eye "mask" on and those guns!
NINE lbs?!? And HOW tall are you, girl??
Also, glad to hear Mr. B made it back to the house alright. Now we just have to hope it wasn't too late!
By the way, I think I may have fixed the problem you were having viewing my search bar.
Debi - I thought I saw you post pics once but I am probably mistaking Shu with somedog else. The stink eye, I believe!
WL - MrB is doing well and behaving like his usual self...that is, harrassing the westie until she stops what she's doing in order to chase him!
i just love seeing how hapa mixes turn out...even within the same family. but always beautiful/handsome, no matter how you slice it!
BTW, this son of yours could stand in for the next generation Wolverine, don't you think?! : )
Manju - teehee...that masked offspring of mine is thinking more along the lines of Christian Bale 'Batman' - I never saw the movie (3rd time's a charm sorta thing).
I had to smile when you said Maddie did not miss him while he was gone. Westies are so comical without trying to be if you know what I mean.
Sir Salty wants to see more postings about Miss Maddie. Me too.)